Core Technologies

Our core technology combines radio wave sensors, AI algorithms, sunrise light therapy, and soothing soundscapes seamlessly. The radio wave sensors comprehensively track sleep stages and patterns without contact, providing insightful data for analysis. Proprietary machine learning techniques then extract patterns from this data, allowing our AI to determine the optimal customized sunrise wake up schedule for each user. The sunrise light therapy gradually fills the room with naturalistic lighting that regulates circadian rhythms and cortisol for a refreshing wake up. Finally, calming nature soundscapes complete the tranquil sunrise simulation to ease the user into their day with soothing sounds like waves and birdsong. This multi-faceted approach allows our technology to understand sleep and deliver an unparalleled personalized sunrise experience.

What We Offer?​​

Radio Wave Sensors

We developed proprietary radio wave sensors that emit 5GHz signals with FMCW modulation at low power to obtain multi-parameter sleep data including respiration rate and movement, without requiring obtrusive wearables or contact with the user’s body.

AI Algorithms

Through convolutional and recurrent neural networks in our deep learning models, we extract complex spatial and temporal patterns from the raw sleep data inputs to generate optimized graduated sunrise schedules personalized to each user’s sleep architecture.

Personalized Sunrise

Using the personalized schedule from our AI model, we engineer customized sunrise lighting simulations that modulate luminance, color temperature, wavelength and duration based on IEEE standard light therapy parameters to align with users’ circadian rhythms.

Soothing Soundscapes

Our sound designers apply 3D audio rendering and psychoacoustic engineering techniques to develop immersive, naturalistic soundscapes, like ocean and forest sounds, that guide the user’s circadian rhythm into a tranquil wake-up.

Intuitive Controls

The capacitive touchscreen allows easy adjustment of lighting and audio parameters like intensity, hue, duration, volume and frequency range, while the Bluetooth-connected app provides expanded control capabilities.

Minimalist Design

Through iterative prototyping focused on biomimetic design principles, we optimized an aesthetic yet functional form factor that seamlessly integrates with bedroom environments.