Contact Us​

We are actively seeking new distributor and channel partners across the globe who are passionate about bringing our innovative sleep technology to new markets. Contact us today to learn more about our competitive margins, co-branding opportunities, and support programs as an authorized Biolux partner driving growth in your region.

Let’s Discuss About Your Business!​

n addition to distribution partnerships, we welcome discussions about other business opportunities with companies aligned with our mission of transforming sleep and mornings worldwide. If you are interested in licensing our technology, developing integrations, exploring joint ventures, or other ways we could collaborate, please reach out. We are always eager to brainstorm and explore new ideas with like-minded partners.

Licensing Our Technology
Integration Collaboration
Joint Venture Opportunities
New Partnership Ideas

Contact Details​


123 Fifth Avenue, NY 10160 Lane no 17, New York NY688101​

Email Us​

Call Us​


Catch Up!

Wake up refreshed with Biolux. Experience the gentle sunrise and scientifically personalized alarm tailored to your sleep patterns. Start your day energized and ready to thrive.